She dreams more often than she sleeps. 


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🖤 to kiss in the rain🖤

We step out of the car and into the street
You can hear it hit softly, like the patter of little feet
It’s such a magical time, like sunset on the ocean
We’re caught in its spell, and we move in slow motion
I move in close, with my hands on her waist
I take it slow, no rush, no haste
The rain slowly falls and the full moon shines
She slides her arms around my neck, and says “your mine”
The rain picks up and it soaks our hair
But our eyes are focused, we have no cares
I whisper in her ear, “I love you my dear
“You will always be smiling, you have no use for tears”
“I will love you forever, is my vow to you”
“You are my heavenly dove, may it always be true”
She smiles at me, with joy and bliss
My lips meet hers, and in the rain we kiss
The rain itself, dances all around Read More »

Reposted from hallihallo via dzisniezasne
That sweet sweet memory transporting you to childhood. Memory of Mom making crepes and letting you smother them with homemade raspberry preserves to enjoy your fill with warm aromatic tea. That smell in the air of belonging and feeling safely secure.

Reposted from elentarie via beautifulfood

Breaking news

BREAKING NEWS: a new Microsoft product I could fully support. Cuddly furball made with purrrrfection. Comes in variety of colors but no tail, the tail will cost extra but it gives character. Hurry, get in line to order yours today!!


  How sweet and lovely you make the shame
  Which, like a cancer in the fragrant rose,
  Find the beauty of your budding name!
  O, what sweets do you put your sins in?
by William Shakespeare

Reposted from headlikeahole via definitionofsex

Make me crave

Make me crave more and more,

Make me feel like you owe me.

Make me loved and adored,

You'll receive all you've shown me.

     -Brightest Shadow